Farm Product

We do occassionnally have products available that are a result of our work here at the farm.

We do not waste any part of any animal that we harvest and what we cannot use for our own benefit, we will offer to our Farm Family.  We sometimes have raw pet food that may include organ meats, large bones and naturally cured jerky strips and hoof chews from our sheep harvest as well as whole rabbit carcasses.  

We feed our canine co-workers a natural raw diet and have found it to be the best! There is a lot of good information on the web regarding this diet.  Please do your pet and yourself a favour and check out this very healthful option.  We also naturally cure hides for crafting and decorative use.

Please contact us if you are interested or have any questions.  

Rabbit Feed

We grow our own rabbit greens here on the farm and in a bumper year, we will have extra feed on hand.  This may include Timothy hay, Alfalfa, Clover and a Meadow Mix which consists of a mixture of native grasses.  If you are looking to add a healthy component to your rabbits' diet, please contact us for further details

Sheep Feed

Luckily, our sheep enjoys the same feeds as our rabbits so the above info regarding extra feed for sale holds true for sheep feed.  Please contact us for further details